HTA Channel | Hockey Talent Academy | Tréninková videa | Hokej

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First Steps:

  • A registration has to be carried out in order to enter the paid section.
  • Upon a successful registration you will be sent an email with a username and a password. Should this not happen, check your SPAM and have your password resent.
  • If you are already registered, just click “My Account” to sign up in the right side panel.
  • Once you have signed up, see in the right side panel the details of your account as well as information on your current balance and top up options. After log-in you may also change your password.

How to top up my balance

  • After log in, click “My Account” in the right side panel.
  • At the bottom of the page you can see your current balance and the number of videos you can still see.
  • If you go to “I want to buy more” and then choose a particular number of videos from the drop-down menu, you will immediately see the adjusted price for the amount of videos selected
  • The default currently is CZK. However, it is possible to switch currencies prior to making an order.
  • The order is confirmed by clicking “Top up”. You will subsequently be redirected to PayPal where you will see an overview of your order. You may use a payment card to top up your balance.
  • After the payment has been accepted, you will be rerouted to your account on the website. Your balance should be topped up accordingly at this point.

Purchased videos overview

  • Upon log-in in the right side panel click “Purchased videos” where you can see an overview of all the videos you have already seen.
  • This overview can also be accessed by clicking “My Account” and then “Purchased videos”.

Forgot password

Enter your email address under which you are registered:

Changing password


To play this video, you must be registered and logged in: